Sports Injury Clinic Treatment and Rehabilitation in Sussex
Are you suffering from a sporting related injury which is preventing you from playing your favourite sport or activity? Do you need a speedy recovery?
“Stephanie’s sports injury clinic treatments have helped me recover from achillies and shoulder injuries. I can now get back to the important business of playing squash. I would highly recommend The Pain Relief Clinic and I continue to have maintenance treatments as they just make me feel good.”
Ray Leaney, Burgess Hill
Kate Sippetts, Newick
Louise, Worthing
The seven most common sports injury clinic treatments are for the following conditions:
- Ankle sprain
- Groin pull
- Hamstring strain
- Shin splints
- Knee injury – ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear
- Knee injury – Patellofemoral syndrome – injury resulting from the repetitive movement of the kneecap against the thigh bone
- Tennis elbow (epicondylitis)
Stephanie has many years of experience in treating sports injuries like these, and with a background in running, triathlon and horse riding she understands the importance of returning to the sport you enjoy as soon as possible.
Hands-on sports injury treatment will be combined with rehabilitation exercises to create a personalised treatment plan to get you back to your sport as quickly as possible.
If you’re in pain because of a sports injury, and want to get back to your sport and your previous levels of fitness sooner, find out more about osteopathy and the other sports injury clinic treatments and rehabilitation techniques we offer at The Pain Relief Clinic in Sussex by calling us on 01273 04 78 81, or book an appointment to see an osteopath here.