Osteopathy for Babies in Sussex at the Pain Relief Clinic

Birth may be a stressful experience for both mum and baby. The forces exerted on the baby can be considerable, particularly when the position of the head or shoulders slows or prevents the process, and so new-born babies may be in some discomfort following birth. That’s where osteopathy for babies can help.
“I decided to take my 9 month old to Stephanie as I had previously been treated by her for back problems and had been very pleased with the results.

Stephanie was very calm and friendly toward my slightly anxious daughter on the first session. She allowed Lily to find a comfortable position (usually on my lap) and placed her hands gently on her tummy, back, head, neck. Lily soon relaxed…

By the second session Lily knew what to expect and was very content. Since the first treatment, my daughter was a lot more relaxed and content.

I am really happy with the treatments that Stephanie has done with Lily and am very pleased with my happier, more relaxed baby who is sleeping much better now.”

Victoria and Lily, Crawley

Baby Checks

As part of our commitment to offer Osteopathy for Babies in Sussex, the Pain Relief Clinic is now offering a 40 minute baby check for all newborn babies (up to 12 weeks old) for just £45.

Book your baby’s check up now by calling us in Hassocks on 01273 04 78 81.

What to expect:


We aim to take a full history of the pregnancy and birth. The baby’s position in the womb is of interest, if it was in a breech or transverse position and if so, for how long. It is also important to know how the child is now; such as how well he/she sleeps, feeds and his/her general wellbeing. As babies are unable to tell us with words, we need to know about their behaviour and routines. The more information shared, the better we can understand the problem.

The Examination

During the examination, the postural and muscular tension is assessed, including the spine, neck and limbs. Particular attention is given to spinal mobility and alignment. The head shape is evaluated. The abdomen and diaphragm will be examined for tension and congestion. The hips, knees and feet will be examined and tested for alignment and stability. The examination may vary for babies and children in relation to their age and development.

Osteopathy for Children in Hassocks

We are very experienced in treating toddlers and older children at The Pain Relief Clinic.

We have a standard for the evaluation and treatment for each age group and problem. This has been created from clinical experience and following best practice recommendations. Your child’s progress and development is important to us!

For your child’s best possible outcome, we may recommend that we work with another health care practitioner in conjunction with our care. This might be a podiatrist, physiotherapist or occupational therapist to name a few. Any referrals would be discussed with you as and when necessary and appropriate.

When you bring your child to an osteopath, we will take a thorough medical history and examine your son or daughters’ posture and muscle balance, as well as reflexes and joint function.

The examination is aimed at determining if spinal and joint motion is normal and how the vertebral segments are functioning as well as assessment of the limbs where necessary.

Advice – guidance – support

Childhood and teenage years are very important for the developing structure and we therefore offer advice, guidance and support during this period of growth.

Problems we often see

  • Shoulder and back pain from carrying heavy school bags
  • Neck pain, headaches and migraines from looking down at smart phones, tablets and laptops and intensive studying
  • Weak muscles from sedentary lifestyles

The emphasis is on spinal and postural alignment and so we use many soft tissue and gentle mobilisation techniques and Cranial Osteopathy. We offer advice to help prevent recurrence of these problems.

During and After Pregnancy Osteopathy in Sussex

Enjoy your pregnancy don’t let aches and pains get in your way!

We take special care of pregnant women and endeavour to help you to feel confident about your pregnancy.

Our aim is to work with you to achieve:

  • Good postural, spinal and pelvic alignment
  • Muscle balance and relaxation
  • Awareness of postures in pregnancy
  • Confidence and comfort

What to expect

During your visit, you will be given an osteopathic examination. Your postural and muscular tension will be assessed as well as the individual and global movement of the body, spine and neck.

We take a particular interest in the symmetry of the pelvis and lower back with regards to the positioning of the baby. We also look closely at your feet and their alignment with regards to your pelvis.


Each patient will have an individually tailored treatment programme.

The technique we use will vary on where you are in your pregnancy and the level of stability or your joints.

After Care

It is important for mothers to be checked over after birth to help ensure nothing remains out of place. The forces of birth are quite considerable. A quick recovery will help the whole family.


If you’re a mum with a new baby or toddler, or perhaps an older child with joint pains or headaches, and would like to know about osteopathy for babies and children at The Pain Relief Clinic in Hassocks, West Sussex, you can call us on 01273 04 78 81, or book an appointment to see an osteopath here.


Registered with:

The institute of osteoapthy logoThe Sutherland Cranial College of OsteoapthyCentre for Osteoapthy for Children logo
Stephanie Witts, offering osteopathy for babies in Hove and Hassocks

Osteopathy for Babies and Children:
Why we’re different

Caring for you as if you were part of our family

We understand that some people are nervous of having treatment. You are not alone.

When it comes to osteopathy for babies, we promise to make sure that you and your baby are as comfortable as possible and explain everything we do so that you are fully informed before giving your consent to treatment.

Stephanie Witts, offering osteopathy for babies in Hove and Hassocks

Osteopathy for Babies and Children:
Why we’re different

Caring for you as if you were part of our family

We understand that some people are nervous of having treatment. You are not alone.

When it comes to osteopathy for babies, we promise to make sure that you and your baby are as comfortable as possible and explain everything we do so that you are fully informed before giving your consent to treatment.


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