About Sussex Osteopath Stephanie Witts

Stephanie Witts
BSc(Hons), MSc, B.Ost., MSc Paediatric Osteopathy
Registered Osteopath

Cranial and Structural Osteopath, Sports Injury and Physical Rehabilitation Therapist.

Stephanie, who established The Pain Relief Clinic, attained a degree in Osteopathy after four years intensive study at the British School of Osteopathy in London.  She has a deep found belief in the benefit Osteopathy can offer the family and has dedicated herself to this vocation.

Registered Osteopath in Brighton and Hove Stephanie WittsFollowing many years of experience working with leading physiotherapists, structural and cranial osteopaths and fitness industry professionals, Stephanie uses her skills to provide her patients with pain relief and rehabilitation. Stephanie set up The Pain Relief Clinic to offer osteopathy in Hove in  in 2008, and then began offering osteopathy in Hassocks in 2016. Since 2019 The Pain Relief Clinic has permanently moved to Hassocks.

Adopting an holistic approach, allowing the body to heal itself without the use of intrusive drugs or chemicals, Stephanie has achieved outstanding success not only with adults but notably with mothers-to-be, babies and children alike.

As well as her osteopathy qualifications, Stephanie Witts also has a Batchelor of Science degree and Masters degree in Sports Science and a Masters degree in Paediatric Osteopathy. She is keen to keep up with changes in her fields of expertise and as part of her continued professional development Stephanie has completed a post graduate course in Animal Osteopathy and the APPI Instructors course in Pilates.

Stephanie says:

Each patient is unique and therefore needs individual care and attention. I combine traditional osteopathic skills, mobilisation, soft tissue and cranial osteopathic techniques with an exercise programme to create unique care management plans.

I believe everyone can benefit from the treatment that I offer, whether they are more mature, needing regular support to keep their bodies in working order, a busy office worker or someone with a physical job that requires help to relieve the aches and pains from the repetitive nature of their work postures, or active people who need help recovering from a sporting injury.

I particularly wanted to be able to offer care for mothers-to-be and babies at the clinic so I have introduced The Pain Relief Clinic’s new born checks for just £45 for a 40 minute assessment and treatment.

Sports and exercise have always been a part of my life and I cannot imagine not being active. I have, however, had injuries and setbacks which help me to understand how my patients feel when they are injured or have been inactive for a period of time. This drives my desire to help my patients to return to full health and fitness as quickly as possible.

I love my job because I see positive results everyday.”

If you’re in pain and are looking for a Sussex Osteopath, if you would like to know more about how to keep your body in good shape, or simply want to know more about osteopathy and the other services we offer at The Pain Relief Clinic in Hassocks, please call us on 01273 04 78 81, or you can book an appointment here.

Sussex Osteopath Stephanie Witts is Registered with:

The institute of osteoapthy logoThe Sutherland Cranial College of OsteoapthyCentre for Osteoapthy for Children logo


Sussex Osteopath Stephanie Witts is registered with: